One of the things I will never get over is how early the sun rises here. It begins to get light outside at around four am. At 6 or 630 the sun streams directly into my window. In the winter this is fine because a) it is cold and I need the heat b) it is water winter light that is not too bright and c) I can sleep through it. But now that it is well into spring the light is bright and hot and wakes me up.
There are two reasons that I wake up so easily now. They are both connected to my apartment and my personal laziness. I have one patio sized window that face sunrise almost directly. My window space is about two and a half meters long. The only curtains I can find for under $300 (depending on the exchange rate...) are only 198cm long. They are also light in color and cheap in material. Thus, they are far, far from the adequate protection required in the warmer months. Because they are too thin to block the heat I wake up sweating. Because they are too short and too sheer to block the light, I either get up early or sleep badly. You would think I would just get new curtains. But the height makes it difficult to hang them, and the price tag galls me. I am either going to live with this for another year or figure something out. Stay tuned for details.
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