Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Bar Crawl

Last Saturday a group of us went out to meet the self-named Naba Kings for a night on the town. It started fairly early, 730pm, and the meet up directions weren't so clear but we were out for some fun. I called about 13 people out including myself and we made up the bulk of the group for the early portion of the night. Actually, I was pretty proud of myself for having so many connections (and they weren't all JETs). It was a good time although at first we were suspcious as our guides had 100 yen cowboy boots and porn star glasses on. Hmmmm, we thought.

But it turned out to be a good night. Down in Sennichimae there is a second, and much larger, branch of the Hub. It was busy that night (wedding party?) so we went down a floor to a darts bar caleed Bee. It was nice, decorated, electronic darts with good people playing, and a friendly staff. However, what no one will tell you about is the 500 yen table charge and weak drinks. They had pretty good looking salads but that was the only thing that they served worth eating or drinking. I think Bee is for suckers, personally.

We headed over to the Pig and Whistle next and fared better there. We picked up a few more people and scoped out the crowd. It was fairly standard, older and more Eurocentric than the other bars. And the men their are all a little shady, in my humble opinion. I don't mind flirting with people but there are a lot of pushy guys there. I have to admit I didn't like the Pig the first few times for those reasons. But lately it's grown on me and I don't mind sitting down (or standing up) for a drink or three. At least the drinks are stronger there: even lightweights like me couldn't get a buzz from the Bee. (oh, ha ha ha ...)

The last one I was able to stay for was Balabushka in Ame Mura. I think this is a well kept secret. Although, I wish it weren't because if it had been full it would have been amazing. There are a total of three pool tables, two dart boards and assorted video games. The drinks are standard (although I got a plastic cup- what, do I look like a breaker??) and the food is pretty good too. If you are nice to Ryan he will give you a bite of his Katsu sandwich and some of his fries.

I really liked the last bar because of all its open space. There was a seating section complete with a second floor accessable by a wiry set of stairs and an assortment of couches near the pool tables. It had a comfortably used feel and I could see myself going back there to start out an all nighter. I think it will be my new favorite bar as American Beauty looks like it's in the can (for now, at least).
All in all it was a good night with great people. Ah, Japan, the memories you provide!


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