Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Hagen Daz Japanese flavors

I love ice cream, and these days I really love good quality ice cream. In Japan the most readily available quality brand is Hagen Daz. For quality Green Tea (抹茶 Maccha) ice cream there is no better brand. As long as I live, too, this will be my favorite flavor. An attempt to describe it would take more space than you are willing to read. However, I must admit there are some stunning new flavors out in Japan this summer.

The best that I have found is Chai flavor. I really like Chai as it gives a nice spicy edge to the tea taste. Tea that packs a punch, there is nothing better. The Raspberry and Cream (which has a French name I cannot remember) is good if there is a lot of Raspberry but when it is lacking all you have is Rich Milk flavored ice cream. I like Rich Milk, but when I want fruit it alone will not suffice. Of course there is the ever-present melon flavor. Melon is popular and expensive in Japan so most foods have some kind of melon variant. This is true for cake, bread, soda, candy, ice cream, and almost anything that you can imagine. Also included this summer are Mango and Rum Raisin. I am looking forward to new tastes coming out as we turn to summer. Maybe we'll get 米 (rice) flavored ice cream. Hmmm ...


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