Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My ALT Resume

Just a post of what I've written for my resume about my JET activities:

Fujiidera Senior High School, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Assistant Language Teacher (English) 8/03-Current
I plan lessons based on textbook information or from a personal assessment of students English needs and write midterm and final exam materials based on these lesson plans. Also set goals, both short and long term, in order to facilitate students language ability. Work closely with six Japanese teachers of English in classroom. In addition to classroom and planning, I give outside lessons and seminars in English and American culture, lead the English Speaking society, and have initiated a PTA English club.

Osaka-fu Board of Education
Peer Group Leader 8/05-8/06
Took charge of a 15 person group including first year ALTs. Duties include holding meetings for discussion of lessons and problems, arranging outside activities to facilitate cultural adjustment, and trouble shooting any problems encountered by group members.

Osaka-fu Board of Education
Steering Committee Member 8/05-8/06
Members were actively involved in planning the Mid-year Seminar for all Osaka Prefectural and Municipal Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs). Specific accomplishments include generating new topics for seminars that would be pertinent to ALTs work life and assisting the Chairperson in finding suitable presenters.

It's definitely rough, but I needed something to post on the web. I am getting serious about finding a life after JET so any comments are welcome. If you would like to offer me a job you are more than welcome!


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