Monday night I got so sick that I had a fever and chills. It was kind of awful, actually. I slept badly and when I woke up my tonsils were pretty nasty and swollen. This has lasted for three days-thank goodness it's spring break and I can dodge work a little! I hope they don't catch on but if they do I'll just ask for sick leave. I stayed home and slept and drank tea and ate toast. Not all together a great time but couldn't be helped. It was so bad when I woke up this morning that I slept again all day and finally went to the doctor. I went late at around 5:45 and was afraid I wouldn't get seen because they close at seven. The receptionist was doubtful so I went and waited in a nearby cafe. Strangely enough I met one of my Friday nigth students, Koji. He used to date a friend of mine and he told me that she's comming to Japan during golden week. I met his friend and we chatted in English and Japanese, and then I went back to the clinic. Luckily I was seen that day, after meeting another of my adult students in the waiting room!
The lowdown is this: I have a viral infection. My tonsils are swollen but it's not tonsilitis. When I lay down the goop fills up my tonsils again so each day they stay swollen. I have a pain killer and an anti inflamitory that I have to take three times a day with food. I also have to gargle with water mixed with medicine that I recieved three times a day. It will be a pain, but at least it's not a week. The doctor was really nice and not shy at all. He spoke to me mostly in simple English so it was very easy to understand. We could meet in the middle of English and Japanese. I can't wait for this ick to be gone, but I no longer fear the ear clinic.
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