Saturday, April 29, 2006

Goth Clubbing in Osaka

So. I went all night clubbing in Osaka last night. It was the fist time in a long, long while. Now I know why I stopped. I got home today around seven am, after being in complete sleep deprivation pain for the last five hours. I crashed and was ok when I woke up-actually, compared to the times my frist year, I woke up in gold star A+ shape. None the less, it wasn't the greatest experience to be out late when I've been so tired.

But, as it stands, I am really glad that I went to the club. I was late, getting there a little after eleven (due to class until 9) and I met Helena and S already in top form. Helena was dressed in Shiro-loli (all white) and really looked spectactular. stephan was in a simple black button down, but he fit in well with the crowd. I had on my black Vampire dress from Bodyline, an*ten*a flats, knee socks made of hose material from the sock store, my black Alice band from Heart E, and the kicker was the meta bolero. On top of everything it really made the outfit. Add pigtails and my fake Vivian crown earrings and it was killer for goth night. But I digress.

Drinks were really reasonable there, only 500 yen for most, 400 for soft drinks and 600 for some of the more exotic combinations. Note to you all, in Japan, avoid those like the plauge. The dresses here are multicolored and overly sweet, and the strange cocktails match. Stick to beer or shochu, or at the very least clear drinks. I started in on my first drink and we went down stairs. The club itself was in the basement and a flight of stairs took you past two mezzanine levels before you got to the dance floor. You could watch from the second (and also buy weiner-on-a-stick things, too). We opted for the lower level because the show was something you realled had to see up close.

I kid you not- it was a mini S and M show. I will spare the details for my gentler readers, but sufice to say it was a couple in pleather hot pants doing mean things to each other. Nothing outlandish, but certainly nothing that would be allowed at the local roatary club meeting. Actually, probably not at the local dive bar either. However it was interesting. Something I've never seen, and the Japanese people watching it were kind of funny. Everyone stood on the dance floor or the mezzanine with their arms crossed in front and stony stares. No whispering, no giggling, no egging on the performers (although the music was deafening anyway). It was kind of odd, actually. They were totally stoic watching this extremely sexual (and slightly violent) stage act. And the best part being that a lot of them were dressed in sweet lolita outfits-whites, pinks, frills, and bows. Odd. Truely, truely odd.

Anyway. It ended and they put on techno. Helena does nothing but abuse techno music-but I love it (so she can suck it!). So we danced a little bit and by and by had to go up for another drink. Stephan ended up leaving (had not been feeling well) and Helena and I stayed. We watched a variety of stage shows that had a variety of people in a variety of costumes. I wanted to take pictures but I lacked the strength to do so-both because of the utter strangeness and because I was dead tired. Suffice to say there were belly dancers, some strange guy looking like al-Queda, a satanic symbol, and blueberry syrup. That was the most memorable show. We danced to some really horrible techno and then it was 2am.

At 2am a kind of VK goth show came on. Rose, the female performer, was someone Helena knew from one of the other clubs she went to. I don't understand a)Rose and b)Japanese songs, but there was a fairly standard gothic theme that I got. Rose was mourning/upset about/left by her lover. His picture made me think of Chester A. Arther (Chester A. Arther fall down!). THere was a dagger in the beginning and I think she killed herself. THen The male performer came out (dressed kind of like a corpse in victorian clothing) and offered her roses and other gifts to tempt her to fall for him. They went back and forth and a foreign girl was dancing around (Australian I found out later), two guys in masks were eating, and an anoriexic chick with pantyhose on her head came out of a trunk. This was all done to gothic/classical/eletric music and the teableaux was actually pretty spectactular. There was a couch, victorian dolls, gilded hand mirrors, roses in silver vases, and lots of lasce and ruffles and things. Very cool.

There was a lot more that went on, and I'm sure the themes were deep and gothic. I'll say I enjoyed it, but I just can't go into more details. It was all a lot like one of those B movies you rent at the video store simply because you know there will be no commericals. Then, you're suprised, it turns out to be pretty good. A little over done and slightly silly, but enjoyable and something you'd watch again. I bet if I had been high, or at least drunk, I would have found it entrancing. But my body is no longer tolerant of foreign chemicals (alchohol has never been a good friend anyway) so I'm glad I could have a good time despite sobriety.

There was some good death metal played after Rose and we danced. We danced to some of the crummy techono, took a bathroom break and talked to the Aussie girl (nice, but an awkward conversationalist-and bald too) and danced some more. By that time it was close enough to four that we left and took some pictures with Rose on the way out. Well, Helena did, I was tired and not focused by that point. I'll ahve to get a copy to post for you guys. We had breakfast at Royal Host and did our best not to fall asleep. Afterward the adventure ended and we caught the trains home. A good night, if a longish one. I am looking forward to going to Black Veil, the regular monthly goth event, sometime this week. More on that later! And photos if you are good, too. :)


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