Thursday, November 03, 2005


Lately a lot of cool stuff has been going on, and much of it is pretty noteworthy. As I sit here watching DieHard on my insanely old TV I will make a short list. Later I hope that I can go back to each of them and write a little more. Especially about the travel things. In no paticular order:

1. I went to Hong Kong and Tai Pei for a week with my friend Ayumi. Both HK and Taiwan were amazingly cool. Ayu lived in HK for half a year or so and she was an amazing guide. Prices were low, food was good and the culture was high. In Tai Pei she had a few friends from her days as a student of English in California. So we had guided tours of everything there. Best of all, her mother said our hotel looked like a Love Hotel. Wonderful!

2. I made a friend who is really into a certain subset of Japanese fashion. This would be the Lolita version. Lolita is meant to look like old fashioned doll clothing or kind of victorian England style. I really like the subset called Gothic Lolita. I have two outfits, both from the cheaper store called Bodyline, and they are both in the goth loli category. Love it, love it!

3. I went to Shikoku (the smallest main island of the archipelago) last weekend to see the famous Kasura Bridge. It was made out of vines in the old days but now has a core of steel cables so that it doesn't have to be rebuilt every two or three years. We drove down there in four hours with amazingly good commentary all he way (unfortunately it was all Japanese so I only caught about half of it). I saw one of the longest bridges in the world both by day and night as well as a view of the Naruto Whirlpools. We also went to a Rotemburo (outdoor bath) and I spoke naked English-again. It was nice.

4. The last Friday in October is the world famous Osaka Loopline party. All the forigners in Osaka (and many visitors and Japanese) congregate at Osaka station on the Loop line (kanjyosen) to drink and admire each others costumes. I went this year with my Lilita friend, who made her own costume, and my friend Ayumi, who wore my maid outfit. I went as a Japanese school girl. We were hot and attracted the atention of some old Otaku at the subway exit. Good times!

5. I have amazing friends this year who go out every Saturday night for some fun.

6. My Japanese is better but I really ought to study more.

7. I. Love. Die Hard. After Aliens it is my favorite movie and trilogy. Bruce Willis reminds me of my Dad.

More later!


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