Spring is Here!
Finally I am almost fully recovered from my nasty, nasty illness! It's taken almost 11 days to finally get this virus out of my system. I am still a little funky but I should be back to normal by Monday. Just in time for Judo! I went to club a few days ago to meet one of the shinyusei (new first years) who is a really good Judo player. According to what I could understand her mother is a Judoka but her father hates the sport. Matoba sensei talked to her a little bit about it and I was really happy to see her warm to him. Some people are just meant to be teachers because they have a warm heart. I think he's one of those people. I really hope to see her do well at Fujitaka.
This week I've kept busy even though I've felt awful. I went to my Shamisen lesson on Tuesday after actually having practiced. My teacher was so pleased he didn't just smile- he beamed! I was really glad to be there. My fingers were so in tune that I was able to sight read the rest of the piece I am playing. Now for a little memorization and zam! I'll be done with another one. I am actually looking forward to the Salonkai on the 16th. I'm so glad I kept up with shamisen. This last year has really seen me improve.
I went out to see two different Japanese guys this week too. They both live in Tokyo and were both interesting. I had seen one previously and talked on the phone with the other. I'm not actually sure that I like either of them. Japanese men are really strange about somethings. At times I feel like we're separated by a huge gulf. That said, I went out with Kai tonight and had a really good time. Couldn't eat much but I always love hanging out with him (more in later post).
I've also been preparing myself for the future. Both thinking about what I want to do with my life and storing up as much Japan as I possibly can. I bought two cup and dish sets. One is a mug cup with a saucer and one is a sakura-pattern pink cut-glass cake plate and drinking glass. I'm thinking ahead to summer when I won't want as much hot tea. I love the pottery and glassware in this country. Going to Hecht's in the states will just no longer compare!!
I've got lots to tell so stay tuned. :)
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