Sunday, April 30, 2006

Second Offical Day of Golden Week

Today was a pretty fruitful shopping trip. I spent a ton of money on books-all in Japanese! Then nominal amounts on tea and lunch where I read quite a bit of my books in Japanese. I can understand some of what I read. It's not nearly enough to satisfy me but I am glad to have a bench mark. I know I will read them in later years and laugh at how much I had to larn from this point. Really, it has been a great start to the week.

I also went as promised to the Kuroneko delivery service office. Their prices are indeed much more than the post offices prices so I must perservere. The post office is a trial because the large one is far away and the close one is staffed by people with gajin phobia. My coworkers understand my Japanese, my friends understand it, but nobody can even guess my meaning at the post office. Their English is worse than my Japanese and they insist that is what we communicate in. Oh well. Tonight I'm going to ask the cashier I am friendly with if the supermarket has any boxes they don't need. Then I can get more packed!!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

I am cool.

I am cool.
Originally uploaded by nekocon.

Kitty Fram Kitty Frame Kitty Frame!!

Helen After Goth Club

Helen After Goth Club
Originally uploaded by nekocon.

Yay for the kitty frame!

Golden Week Plans

So here we are almost arriving at May!! I can't believe the time has gone by so quickly since January. I've accomplished much but not nearly as much as I want to. I still have to box up my stuff for sending home. Tomorrow I go on the box hunting and postage price seeking adventure. Then I'm going to be Loli at Starbucks. I have a new blouse that needs some face time. I thought I could give this fashion up, but now I'm loli-ed for life. All a part of the changes in life, I suppose.

Golden week is upon me once again. My first year I went to Thailand. Last year I recouperated from England and weekend trips by staying home and drinking with people and seeing Sumo. This year I will stay home for all but one day, wherein I will go to Amanohashidate-the Bridge of Heaven and the last of the three great sights in Japan (Nihon Sankei) that I have not seen. Oh, and I will go to Kyoto to be a Maiko too! I present to you now, my schedule.

Friday, April 28-School (barely!!), Judo (Painful and 2 hours long...keh.), *rest*, English Conversation Class, Goth Clubbing.

Saturday, April 29- Recouperate! Clean house, eat far too much in celebration of making it home alive from goth club, do laundry, take Champagne bubble bath, and plan Golden Week fun stuff.

Sunday, April 30- Go to store for boxing materials, Pack up stuff from winter and getstarted on cultural artifacts packing, scrub bathroom and put away laundry, wear cute outfit to Starbucks in Tennoji to flirt with cute barista. :D Come home and play Shamisen.

Monday, May 1st- OH MY GOD ITS MAY AND I HAVE TO LEAVE JAPAN IN AUGUST WHAT WILL I DO WITH MY LIFE BLAH BLAH BLAH. Go to bank and check on my total balance. Get a postal money order for Brain's tax refund that was just deposited to my account and send it to him. Post the box I have in my room via Kuroneko Takyubin. Maybe see Ayumi if she's not busy. Study Japanese and play Shamisen.

Tuesday, May 2nd-Go to school and stamp book for April. Also fill out Momodani travel expense forms for April and for May. Drink coffee and check email. Bring home folder of prints for Momo classes. Go to see Ayu for lunch. 4pm Shamisen lesson. 5:30pm Enkai with school teachers. *rest*

Wedensday, May 3rd-lunch and something with Mr. Moriyama. What we are doing I'm not quite clear on but it involved art. And birds, I think. Whatever, I really like him and his wife. Plus some coworkers are comming so it's a good time to hang out with them (and practice Japanese). *restrestrest*

Thursday, May 4th-Drag myself out early to Amanohashidate. This is an all day, 8 hour round trip even. Meh...

Friday,May 5th- Meet the Momo ladies at 9 am to go to Kyoto. Become beautiful Maiko. Return to self. Travel home on crowded trains by 5pm to get to 7:30pm English class. *ug*

Saturday, May 6th- First full Momodani class of the year. It will be a long day. Maybe bowling at night?

Sunday, May 7th- Undecided. Maybe Hagi!!!

Monday, May 8th- Undecided. Maybe Hagi!!

And so it goes. I am suprised to see how full my schedule is. I had planned a whole route of travel, but I'd be alone. To me it's totally worth it to travel one day and see my people on the other days. I can travel on my own anytime but the times I have to spend with people are pretty limited. I am always glad to hang out with my friends here. Even my cowrkers are enjoyable. :) I will really miss all this when I leave! But still, not the job. Not. The. Job. XD

Goth Clubbing in Osaka

So. I went all night clubbing in Osaka last night. It was the fist time in a long, long while. Now I know why I stopped. I got home today around seven am, after being in complete sleep deprivation pain for the last five hours. I crashed and was ok when I woke up-actually, compared to the times my frist year, I woke up in gold star A+ shape. None the less, it wasn't the greatest experience to be out late when I've been so tired.

But, as it stands, I am really glad that I went to the club. I was late, getting there a little after eleven (due to class until 9) and I met Helena and S already in top form. Helena was dressed in Shiro-loli (all white) and really looked spectactular. stephan was in a simple black button down, but he fit in well with the crowd. I had on my black Vampire dress from Bodyline, an*ten*a flats, knee socks made of hose material from the sock store, my black Alice band from Heart E, and the kicker was the meta bolero. On top of everything it really made the outfit. Add pigtails and my fake Vivian crown earrings and it was killer for goth night. But I digress.

Drinks were really reasonable there, only 500 yen for most, 400 for soft drinks and 600 for some of the more exotic combinations. Note to you all, in Japan, avoid those like the plauge. The dresses here are multicolored and overly sweet, and the strange cocktails match. Stick to beer or shochu, or at the very least clear drinks. I started in on my first drink and we went down stairs. The club itself was in the basement and a flight of stairs took you past two mezzanine levels before you got to the dance floor. You could watch from the second (and also buy weiner-on-a-stick things, too). We opted for the lower level because the show was something you realled had to see up close.

I kid you not- it was a mini S and M show. I will spare the details for my gentler readers, but sufice to say it was a couple in pleather hot pants doing mean things to each other. Nothing outlandish, but certainly nothing that would be allowed at the local roatary club meeting. Actually, probably not at the local dive bar either. However it was interesting. Something I've never seen, and the Japanese people watching it were kind of funny. Everyone stood on the dance floor or the mezzanine with their arms crossed in front and stony stares. No whispering, no giggling, no egging on the performers (although the music was deafening anyway). It was kind of odd, actually. They were totally stoic watching this extremely sexual (and slightly violent) stage act. And the best part being that a lot of them were dressed in sweet lolita outfits-whites, pinks, frills, and bows. Odd. Truely, truely odd.

Anyway. It ended and they put on techno. Helena does nothing but abuse techno music-but I love it (so she can suck it!). So we danced a little bit and by and by had to go up for another drink. Stephan ended up leaving (had not been feeling well) and Helena and I stayed. We watched a variety of stage shows that had a variety of people in a variety of costumes. I wanted to take pictures but I lacked the strength to do so-both because of the utter strangeness and because I was dead tired. Suffice to say there were belly dancers, some strange guy looking like al-Queda, a satanic symbol, and blueberry syrup. That was the most memorable show. We danced to some really horrible techno and then it was 2am.

At 2am a kind of VK goth show came on. Rose, the female performer, was someone Helena knew from one of the other clubs she went to. I don't understand a)Rose and b)Japanese songs, but there was a fairly standard gothic theme that I got. Rose was mourning/upset about/left by her lover. His picture made me think of Chester A. Arther (Chester A. Arther fall down!). THere was a dagger in the beginning and I think she killed herself. THen The male performer came out (dressed kind of like a corpse in victorian clothing) and offered her roses and other gifts to tempt her to fall for him. They went back and forth and a foreign girl was dancing around (Australian I found out later), two guys in masks were eating, and an anoriexic chick with pantyhose on her head came out of a trunk. This was all done to gothic/classical/eletric music and the teableaux was actually pretty spectactular. There was a couch, victorian dolls, gilded hand mirrors, roses in silver vases, and lots of lasce and ruffles and things. Very cool.

There was a lot more that went on, and I'm sure the themes were deep and gothic. I'll say I enjoyed it, but I just can't go into more details. It was all a lot like one of those B movies you rent at the video store simply because you know there will be no commericals. Then, you're suprised, it turns out to be pretty good. A little over done and slightly silly, but enjoyable and something you'd watch again. I bet if I had been high, or at least drunk, I would have found it entrancing. But my body is no longer tolerant of foreign chemicals (alchohol has never been a good friend anyway) so I'm glad I could have a good time despite sobriety.

There was some good death metal played after Rose and we danced. We danced to some of the crummy techono, took a bathroom break and talked to the Aussie girl (nice, but an awkward conversationalist-and bald too) and danced some more. By that time it was close enough to four that we left and took some pictures with Rose on the way out. Well, Helena did, I was tired and not focused by that point. I'll ahve to get a copy to post for you guys. We had breakfast at Royal Host and did our best not to fall asleep. Afterward the adventure ended and we caught the trains home. A good night, if a longish one. I am looking forward to going to Black Veil, the regular monthly goth event, sometime this week. More on that later! And photos if you are good, too. :)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Leaving on a JET Plane

I think Japan is funny for everyone. It's funny because it's one of those places where you're not sure if you're comming of going (sometimes quite literally). You're not sure if you're in good, bad or just about breaking even. There are all sorts of dichotomys and philosophical pitfalls here that are most likely a part of the whole cultural fabric. It's a strange place and it keeps getting stranger.

I'm feeling sad these days because I will be leaving so many things I've come to love. Tuesday nights I will really miss the stifling room in downtown Namba where I take Shamisen lessons. I will miss my tiny old teacher and his (too!) fast Japanese explanations. I'll miss hamburgers being foreign food and Mc Donalds being a high class job. Things back home just won't be the same without the humility/arrogence complex that rules people here. I will miss keigo in stores and Katakana English. Mostly, of course, I'll miss the people.

It will be nice to get back to decent medical care. Most people will speak more English at home than they do here. Movies are cheaper, dates are easier to come by, kitchens are larger and more luxurious (not that it takes much for me...). But I'll miss my friends here. My teachers, the students I talk to every day, my adult classes on Fridays and Saturdays, the Judo kids ... the list goes on and on. Some people will stay in touch and sadly others will fall off the radar. It's difficult keep in touch with all the people that come to be important to us.

I have to say I will not miss my job. I don't want to teach English conversation any more, any how. I am ready for a new challenge in life. But I do want to keep my hobbies: Shamisen, Judo, and studying Japanese. I don't want these things to fall out of my life now. At one point, maybe not so long ago, I wished they would! But things change and as we get used to things they change what we are. One day we wake up to find that we can't live without them. What will become of me when I get tossed back into my home culture? What will happen to that subtle Japanese thread that runs through my life now?

Then again, I miss my bed. I miss boyfriends. I'm tired of shreiky voices and seeweed in my soup. I want a more rewarding and stimulating job. I am tired of not fitting into anything cute. Fashion here is obnoxious. I only have a few close friends and it's difficult to meet new people (who aren't twice my age, bless them all). The water is terrible and is causing me issues. People stare, and things are really, obnoxiously expensive. Nothing changes because nobody wants to fight the system. Don't even get me started about the TV (wait, I hate American TV too). Home will seem to loud, too bright and garish for a while. But it has things that make up for what it lacks.

I'm getting nervouse about leaving. In even the past few months I've met people who have changed my life. My perception has shifted noticably, and in ways I won't notice until I make it back to the States. I hope I'm strong enough to keep smiling as I shift my world to meet my desires.

Sunday, April 23, 2006



One of my favorite Gym teachers got transferred this year. He was so sweet! He will be missed.


It's been a long time since I've posted anything. I wanted to give a recent picture and the one above I took from my school. It was a few weeks ago when the Sakura were in full bloom. We have a few different variations of cherry tree and these were the ones that flowered at the same time as the ones in the city. It was really lovely. There are cherrys all over the little neighborhoods here. I went down and took a ton of photos at our local temple too. Check for those on Flickr.

As of late I have started both my weekday and weekend classes. My students at Fujiidera High School are amazing. I am so glad- I was having sleeping trouble for a week before we started classes. Last year was terrible. I am greatful to whatever god watches over English teachers. :D My Momodani High School classes seem like they will be very good too. Our class 2 people are all the same ones that were in class 1 last year. It makes me happy to see all of them again. I'm going to Kyoto in May with a few of them so we can get dressed up like Geisha. It should be pretty fun. The level one people seem good too. Even the high school kids seem pretty easy going!

I have started Judo again and also going to the gym. My body is getting used to that slowly. To help my regime I am going to try a new breakfast item a few times a week: Toast and sardines boiled in miso. I got the sardines at the advice of a friend who really likes them in the morning. He's American, by the way, which is kind of shocking. I'll have to post some pictures when I'm brave enough to try the dish. Slowly but surely I am getting back into a routine. I also cleaned my house this weekend. I am pumped for my last semester!

I am still taking Shamisen lessons. We just had our recital last week. I played two tunes with nominal success. I was so tired that the long one sounded forced. Luckily everyone attributed that to nerves. I'm still catching up on strength after my insane March. I was really sick and all the running around didn't help things very much. I'll start Japanese lessons this Wednesday, too. I hope I don't have a relapse!

I have a million things to write about so entries will come in drips and drabs for the next few days. Stay tuned! Same Bat time, same Bat channel!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Beautiful Sakura

Beautiful Sakura
Originally uploaded by nekocon.

I took these pictures this morning near my house. I was so amazing out there-and so close! Beauty in my own back yard.

I Swear I Didn't Plan This

It Just Happened.

The Scene is set. The Eikaiwazilla twins and the Villan Twins (aka-the Idon'tdohomework/likeenglish boys)


And Square Dance.

That is all.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hanami at Night

Hanami at Night
Originally uploaded by nekocon.

This evening I went to see the cherry blossoms at night in osaka. It was really amazing. In Japanese they callit Yozakura. Yo meaning evening amd zakura being a form of sakura-cherry tree!

Ha Ha Ha! Banana Case!

Ha Ha Ha! Banana Case!
Originally uploaded by nekocon.

It's a case for carrying your banana so it doesn't get smooshed. Snack on the go ... I guess!

Last Saturday

Nabe from December 2004 Nabe Party

Last Saturday went really well. I made my pumpkin and it ended up being a big hit. We also ordered pizza from Domino's and ate salad made by Helena and Stephan. The pizzas were both a Japan special. That is to say they were both kind of weird. The first was camernbert cheese and pepperoni. I guess in all this wasn't so odd, but I have it on good authority that the cheese comes from a squeeze bottle. Hmm ... the second pizza was a half and half and both were totally weird. We had eggplant and bacon on one side and asparagus on the other. It was pretty gross. Since Ayumi agreed I feel justified in calling it out for weirdness. Man ... we also watched a lot of Simpsons. Good times, good times!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Back to Work Part 1

Today is the last Friday that I can take a sneaky day off of work! Which in itself is funny because I never used to take sneaky days. I would worry that I'd be missed/in trouble/miss something important. It just goes to show you how you get used to things in three years. Mom and Dad are right: three years is the perfect interval for an assignment. The first year you're terrified of messing up. The second year you've got it down and are showing your stuff. The third year it's smooth sailing and getting boring. Thus, you put in for a transfer before you start slacking off due to boredom and subsequently ruin your good rep. I've had a good run here in Fujitaka and I want to go out with a bang.

Tonight it's back to my Friday night classes. My "volunteer" classes seeing as I am not techinically allowed to have a side job whilst on JET. However, they had no one else and I couldn't say no to a bunch of cute Japanese grandparents. So I get "taxi money" and have a good time doing it. I really like the Friday people because even though they are older they are all spry. People in America seem to think that 50 is old and 60 is one foot in the grave. They may feel the same way in Japan but at least they keep active! Everyone is always taking trips abroad or visiting friends or starting new projects. The people here are great.

I used to do a Tuesday class that was in the same format. It got to be too much, though. You wouldn't think that it would be tough, but group lessons are wearing. If the group is small you have to talk a lot. In both kinds you have to listen a lot. When you have things you'd rather be doing (and sometimes that is just about anything else ...) it can get tough to mind what people are saying. I started watching the clock and hating the week so I quit Tuesdays. It makes a nice evening since I don't have to rush home from Shamisen lessons in the city.

Next week on Monday is our opening ceremony. To tell the honest truth I really hate school ceremonys (and the festivals, too). I don't understand the Japanese and they are long and comprehensive. Plus I feel out of place because I don't have many people to stand with. All the young teachers and staff stand at attention with stiff backs and folded hands. Nobody leans against the back wall!! I feel like a shmuck when I do- but I've reached the epiphany that I'm not actually Japanese!! I still feel a tinge of guilt but I don't let it stop me. I'd skip this last ceremony but it is the last one. That means I'll go to the closing ceremony, too. But I am deffo skipping out early during the sports festival! Nothing is worse for me than sports (saving only swimming and Judo) and even worse than playing them is watching them (again, saving swimming and Judo).

All in all I am pretty happy. I met one of the new girls who came to join the Judo club. She's really strong and she and her two friends didn't seem so shy. I bet that'll change pretty fast in class, but I can handle that. I bought a couple of Godzillas, a Gamera and another guy to be my mascots this year. Me and "Eikaiwazilla" are going to clean house. Holla!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Flower at Fujitaka

Flower at Fujitaka
Originally uploaded by nekocon.

Spring brings an abundance of flora to my school.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Helena's First Loli Outfit

Helena's First Loli Outfit
Originally uploaded by nekocon.

In the gloomy store! This was so long ago it's amazing!

Possibly the Funniest Ad Ever

Possibly the Funniest Ad Ever
Originally uploaded by nekocon.

A wheeled Weiner Dog. I love Japan!

Another Doll Dress Tea Party

Random Picture: My first Halloween bash with ESS 10/2003

Today was another tea party at the Doll Dress cafe. It was a good one, despite the live music guy being a little bit on the off side. The food was bad again except for the desserts. Someone had a friend who worked at a bakery and she and a few others came and decorated cakes, tarts and other goodies right before our eyes. These things were great! I don't usually like tarts but the one we tasted was amazing. As was the rasberry sponge cake ... mmm. It doesn't get better than that. Plus she brought her own blow torch to heat up the knife she used to cut the cakes. I always wondered why cheesecake was cut so beautifully!

It was rainy today so we couldn't go to Hanami. However, we looked great. I had my green Inocent skirt and Heart E cutsew while Helena was in a skirt she made herself. Really it was lovely! We both had parasols, too, to complete the look. It was a good time and we bought advance tickets to a goth club and show at the end of the month. In addition to all this we had discount tickets today because we reserved ahead! Plus we got a gift of coffee truffels! It doesn't get any better.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Saturday Looks Rainy

Today it's going to rain in the evening. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have plans to go out later on. We are congregating at Helena's house to have Ayumi's welcome back party. Inhonor of this event I am going to cook Japanese pumpkin (acorn squash) and something else. I will also bring cake and tea- in my opinion no party is ever complete without a little bit of tea. I suppose Helena won't have cups so I will have to see what I can dig up. Hurrah! I will post pumpkin pictures and a recipie as soon as I can.