Sunday, April 30, 2006

Second Offical Day of Golden Week

Today was a pretty fruitful shopping trip. I spent a ton of money on books-all in Japanese! Then nominal amounts on tea and lunch where I read quite a bit of my books in Japanese. I can understand some of what I read. It's not nearly enough to satisfy me but I am glad to have a bench mark. I know I will read them in later years and laugh at how much I had to larn from this point. Really, it has been a great start to the week.

I also went as promised to the Kuroneko delivery service office. Their prices are indeed much more than the post offices prices so I must perservere. The post office is a trial because the large one is far away and the close one is staffed by people with gajin phobia. My coworkers understand my Japanese, my friends understand it, but nobody can even guess my meaning at the post office. Their English is worse than my Japanese and they insist that is what we communicate in. Oh well. Tonight I'm going to ask the cashier I am friendly with if the supermarket has any boxes they don't need. Then I can get more packed!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me.. or is he almost good looking?!

1:09 PM  
Blogger Nekocon said...

I think you are correct. Hard to tell with the lighting though.

10:04 PM  

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